Saturday, 19 November 2016


It was dark, the room, when I opened my eyes. I could see the ceiling fan spinning slowly. I tried to get up,  but I couldn't. Somehow I made it to the washroom. The bright light entered my eyes and I squeezed my eyes shut. I looked at the mirror and saw someone miserable. Her eyes were swelled up, her mind out of control. Her face ruined by tears, her lips dry and lifeless, which once carried a beautiful smile. I couldn't bear that sight and I looked away.
I turned around to see whether my body still had those bruises that were caused by those eight inch blades that were used to stab me.
I could see those invisible blades that passed through my body and made it's way out through my heart. I turned the shower on and allowed the hot water to seep down through my soul.  I returned back to my bed and sat there staring at my good old picture.
"It's 6 AM already, go get ready. You need to practice for your dance performance today " I said to myself and got up. Wore that fake smile again just to pretend that I am happy. "Don't you wanna go? " Yelled mom. "Yeah mom " said I. and ran towards the front yard......

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