ഞാൻ നിന്നിൽ നിന്നും അകന്നു പോകവേ , തുറന്നു പറയാൻ കഴിയാതെ പോയ കഥകളുടെ കടൽ മനസ്സിൽ അടക്കിപ്പിടിച്ച് മൗനം പാലിച്ച സഖീ നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം
നിലാവിന്റെ കീഴിൽ ഇരുന്നുകൊണ്ട് നക്ഷത്രങ്ങളെ എണ്ണി കണക്ക് തെറ്റുമ്പോൾ എന്നോട് ദേഷ്യപ്പെടുന്ന സഖീ ... നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം
മഴവില്ലിൻ ഏഴഴകുള്ള പുഞ്ചിരിയുമായി എന്നെ വിളിച്ചുണർത്തി കവിളിൽ ഒരു ചുടു ചുംബനം നൽകുന്ന സഖീ... നിനക്കയ് ഒരു ദിനം .
നിൻ മുടിയിഴകളെക്കാൾ സൗന്ദര്യമുള്ള നിമിഷങ്ങൾ എനിക്കായ് സൃഷ്ടിച്ച സഖീ... നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം .
മഴനീർ തുള്ളികൾ കൈവിരൽ തുമ്പാകേ കോരിയെടുത്ത് എന്റെ മുഖത്തേക്ക് വാരിയെറിയുന്ന സഖീ... നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം
പാലപ്പു മണുക്കുന്ന ത്രിസന്ധ്യതൻ ഐശ്വര്യമായി ജ്വലിക്കുന്ന സഖീ ...
നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം .
വെറുപ്പിന്റെ അന്ധകാരത്തിൽ അകപ്പെട്ടു പോയ എന്നെ വെളിച്ചത്തേക്ക് കൈപിടിച്ചുയർത്തിയ സഖീ... നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം .
ഒരായിരം ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ ഒളിപ്പിച്ചു വെച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന ആ മിഴിമുന എന്നിലേക്ക് നേരെ എരിയുന്ന സഖീ ... നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം.
ചുട്ടുപൊള്ളുന്ന വേനലിന്റെ കുളിർമയുള്ള മഴയായി പൊഴിയുന്ന സഖീ ... നിനക്കായി ഒരു ദിനം .
മൂർച്ചയുള്ള മുള്ളുകളായ എന്നിൽ പൂത്ത പനിനീർ പൂവായ സഖീ ... ഒരുപാട് നന്ദി അറിയിക്കുവാനുണ്ട് .
അതിനാൽ ദാ... നിനക്കായ് ഒരു സുദിനം .
Saturday, 19 November 2016
നിനക്കായ് ഒരു ദിനം .
Falling in love with the universe made sense , for we are the universe.
My heart beat slowly began to match with the heart beat of the universe.
I felt like my nature started to match with the nature.
And I compared myself to the entire universe rather than comparing myself to others.
It's existence mattered to me.
It's rules... haah! they are a paradox.
Rule no. 1 : Nothing lasts forever
Rule no. 2 : Everything lasts forever.
Don't expect the universe to give you what you dreamt for, As it only gives you what you deserve for your actions.
The Universe.... it is just #complicated.
My heart beat slowly began to match with the heart beat of the universe.
I felt like my nature started to match with the nature.
And I compared myself to the entire universe rather than comparing myself to others.
It's existence mattered to me.
It's rules... haah! they are a paradox.
Rule no. 1 : Nothing lasts forever
Rule no. 2 : Everything lasts forever.
Don't expect the universe to give you what you dreamt for, As it only gives you what you deserve for your actions.
The Universe.... it is just #complicated.
Once more did her heart say, that it want to admire someone again.
Once more did her soul say, that it want to starve for someone again.
Once more did her chapped lips say, that it want to smile again.
Once more did her palms say, that it want to be held again.
Once more did her tummy say, that it wants to be held again.
Once more did her courage say, that it want to be tested again.
Once more.... Just once more did her eyes say, that it want to count the stars again.
And once more... just like that, did she fall in love all over again.
Once more did her soul say, that it want to starve for someone again.
Once more did her chapped lips say, that it want to smile again.
Once more did her palms say, that it want to be held again.
Once more did her tummy say, that it wants to be held again.
Once more did her courage say, that it want to be tested again.
Once more.... Just once more did her eyes say, that it want to count the stars again.
And once more... just like that, did she fall in love all over again.
It was dark, the room, when I opened my eyes. I could see the ceiling fan spinning slowly. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Somehow I made it to the washroom. The bright light entered my eyes and I squeezed my eyes shut. I looked at the mirror and saw someone miserable. Her eyes were swelled up, her mind out of control. Her face ruined by tears, her lips dry and lifeless, which once carried a beautiful smile. I couldn't bear that sight and I looked away.
I turned around to see whether my body still had those bruises that were caused by those eight inch blades that were used to stab me.
I could see those invisible blades that passed through my body and made it's way out through my heart. I turned the shower on and allowed the hot water to seep down through my soul. I returned back to my bed and sat there staring at my good old picture.
"It's 6 AM already, go get ready. You need to practice for your dance performance today " I said to myself and got up. Wore that fake smile again just to pretend that I am happy. "Don't you wanna go? " Yelled mom. "Yeah mom " said I. and ran towards the front yard......
I turned around to see whether my body still had those bruises that were caused by those eight inch blades that were used to stab me.
I could see those invisible blades that passed through my body and made it's way out through my heart. I turned the shower on and allowed the hot water to seep down through my soul. I returned back to my bed and sat there staring at my good old picture.
"It's 6 AM already, go get ready. You need to practice for your dance performance today " I said to myself and got up. Wore that fake smile again just to pretend that I am happy. "Don't you wanna go? " Yelled mom. "Yeah mom " said I. and ran towards the front yard......
Remember when you're gone away, Gone far into the silent land:
I will never regret.
I will never regret.
When I won't hold your hands ever again;
Remember how you shook it off
and wonder how I got a much safer hands to hold on!
I won't remember you in my future plans because you were never a part of it! and yeah! It was the right time to bid goodbye to you!
Remember how you shook it off
and wonder how I got a much safer hands to hold on!
I won't remember you in my future plans because you were never a part of it! and yeah! It was the right time to bid goodbye to you!
You should have known that I always hold on to people.
And now sit and wonder why I let go of you.
I remember my friend saying to me... Unless and until I don't kneel down, no one can ever harm me and you thought I will live my entire life with tears in my eyes?
And now sit and wonder why I let go of you.
I remember my friend saying to me... Unless and until I don't kneel down, no one can ever harm me and you thought I will live my entire life with tears in my eyes?
Oh! don't worry; I won't fall into that darkness once again because you were not the one who reached out and pulled me into this happy world.
When I failed to understand what you were in real and you stabbed me with that eight inch blade.
You thought I would bleed and it just didn't happen. You know why?
The unconditional love of God was protecting me.
You thought I would bleed and it just didn't happen. You know why?
The unconditional love of God was protecting me.
Now you tell my dear! why should I regret losing you?
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